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Everybody Wins w. Second Hand Clothing

Saving Money

Not everyone is okay with owning or even admitting to having hand-me-downs. I can understand this because we don't want others knowing that we can't afford to have purchased it ourselves brand new. Maybe it's also something about wearing someone else's garment. But really, it doesn't matter what the reason is. You feel what you feel. Personally, I grew up with receiving hand me downs. I guess its safe to say that I learned to be okay with it and I can relate to those who doesn't feel the need for new clothes. Some people live for it, finding treasures at thrifts store and couldn't be happier. Nonetheless, I'm glad that I had that experience this because if I hadn't, I'd probably be repulse by wearing clothes that has been on other people. I could be borderline mysophobic. But the thing is, you can save so much money buying used clothing! Who isn't all about saving money? Back to the point, you can save money not only buying from sales and clearance but from other forms of use clothing. Whether it be a website, a thrift store, an app, or by any other means.

All Saints Dress


I've always been a big fan of recycling ever since I have been made aware of our mother earth needs. What good is this earth if we use up all its resources and turn it into trash. What else is left for our children, and our children's children. Clothing is something that people generally wouldn't think to recycle. But there is definitely an abundance of clothing that can be used in multiple ways instead going directly to the trash. Its so great to see so many brands trying to get people to recycle their denim and at the same time, you'll get something back from that store. Making one piece of garment takes up so much of the earth resources. I didn't realize this until I took a class on textile and how it is such a long tedious process! It goes from picking the right materials and where it originally came from, bringing it to a manufacture, picking the fabric, involving the designer and so forth. Of course, I missed about 20 or so more steps in there, but you get the point!

There are various ways that we can help with recycling our clothing. You can use it in a DIY project to make other things that you'll end up using. You can use it to clean instead of using a new towel. Donate your items to local charities and or thrift store or even to your friends if they have been looking for something specific (but don't give them what they don't need!). I encourage you to try it out! Helping recycle have many forms which includes, donating or buying or giving the particular item, a new life, a new journey, a new purpose.

Everybody Wins

The earth is being preserved. You're saving money. Someone else is saving money. The garment has a new purpose. I seriously can't see anything wrong with recycling clothing. Its a win-win-win situation!


This dress is a new season dress from All Saints! I was so ecstatic to have found it used! I bought it on a Depop app and it was so worth it. I checked the website to see its current selling price and sure enough it was still full price. I bought it for 75% off!


What do you like to do with your garment when you fell like it doesn't belong in our your closet anymore?


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