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TATCHA || Luminous Dewy Skin Mist

Packaging || I as SO extremely excited when I first found out about this product being a spray! HORRAY! Right? But for a product that is so $$$, I wanted to soak up all the products I can and not have any go to waste. But as we all know, a spray is a spray and some of its mist will be evaporated into the air and fall on the ground. The look of it though, is beautiful and very sleek. I like that it can look like decor but is not an eye sore. Rather its an accent piece.

Duration || I looked back on my order to see how long ago have I purchased this product. I received it in the middle of March 2016. I realized that now that is only barely been ONE month later since I have own this product. Unfortunately, it was already at the bottom and probably only have about 3-5 more use out of it.

Repurchase || In my circumstances at the moment, since it did NOT last for at least 2 months, the price range is extremely too high for me to repurchase. I actually thought about going to get another bottle. Only then did I realized that it did not last long at all.

Purpose || I have seen others talking about using it as a setting spray. I don't quite understand this at all. Because when I used it, it didn't feel like it was setting my make up to last longer. I felt like my face was more moist. I therefore only used it as a moisturizer. I have to say, I LOVED this product. I genuinely believe that this could be my holy grail if I had a different salary. The price point is just a killer! And I cannot justify spending so much, for something that doesn't last that long. It does make my skin feel so good. Like how skin should feel like after a goodnights rest. I like the fact that I can still fill it on my face when I wake up in the morning. My skin feels renewed.

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